Saturday, February 22, 2014


Assalamualaikum and hey hey hey bloggers plus viewer..I'm here..This tyme i'll chit chat about one & only military training for youngsters Malaysian...which National Training Service or a.k.a PLKN...This programme likely same with military army in Korea but the differences is in Malaysia its only take 3 months but in Korea its take about 2 years..Fyi In korea its compulsory for men to take part in the military but in Malaysia only choosen people will undergoes this 3 months military service..

This is my time during PLKN : PLKN KEM ETNOBOTANI

Since I'm one of the former trainee...Here I will tell you guys little bit bout PLKN..many youngster out there that had been choosen to undergoes this training at first hate when their name was selected but after all..suddenly they miss all the things during PLKN..Lol..and yes its also happened to me..but y we miss?...Here I briefly tell you guys what really fun when you in PLKN..:

  • In PLKN yr daily life will start at 5.00 am and ending at 11.30 pm..yess its tiring..but actually its fun..because through the days you will involve with a lot of activities that help you to improve yr spiritual..
  • In PLKN you learn to cooperate with yr teammates...its because if one yr teammate make some mistake the others also get the punishment..
  • In PLKN you will expose to the survivor know at the end of 3 month you will undergoes *Rimba Jaya*..whereas you team will be provide with rice,candle and some tools for yr one night stand at the jungle...and at the same time you have to build yr own rite?..
  • after all in able to meet with people all around the state and just 3 months you become like sibling with them..
  • in PLKN your life totally like an order to move from one place to another place you have to march and when you see have to salute"Selamat Pagi Tuan"...
  • in will expose to community service..this is totally fun..mainly only this tyme you will able to get out from base camp..LOL
  • more than that you have to feel yrself...ROFL..
Okay that all for today...Hope you guys have fun read my ent3..and as usual sorry for my english..still in progress to learn...Arios and Goodbye...

*EmaRESEM = MJSC = Boarding School*

Assalamualaikum and Hello Hello everyone..This tyme my en3 about MJSC..MJSC stand for Mara Junior Science College..and fyi i'm one of the former student in MJSC at Bukit Keluang..Why I choose this title..? Mainly because  I want to share with you guys about some excitement when you study in MJSC..I'm admit that I miss my school tyme in MJSC..because here you learn how to build friendship...independece..and etc..
There is no regret when you study in MJSC..I promise to you..Yes you maybe seem like we live in kind of prison but the real is totally differ from what you imagine.

One of the MJSC School : Credit to Mr Google

Ok back to the topic...The excitement....The differences:
  1. MJSC life is basically prepare you to enter University life..Because here your grade is measured by cgpa.. also your exam based on semester..
  2. Friendship - This things only you get when you in boarding know when everything you do here always with yr friend..even good things or bad things..skipping the class..*fly* sleeping...Lol..and guess what?..this things that you'll miss a lot when you face the real world...
  3. ROLL CALL - this term basically been used in all boarding school including MJSC... you know when in the morning before entering the class there is an event or kind as assembly for student..if you in MJSC..the LDP (prefect) will used this term to gather all the student..
  4. BWP - i think this term only been used in MJSC..BWP is like MPP..refer to Badan Wakil Pelajar or Student Representatives Council..where the member of the BWP been choose by student through School General if you been selected as are one of the famous student in MJSC...ROFL.
  5. most of the MJSC student used same term that describe hall...canteen..class..which are DB..DK..DS..KOOP...and etc..
  6. Pesta Type 3 and Mock interview - this is an event for form 5 student to prepare themself before leaving school life...
  7. and the best of the best is Activity Week - I love this know only this week you will be not attend the just enjoy all the activity that have been prepared....
THERE ARE A LOT OF excitement IN MJSC....for sure I need a lot of tyme if I want to describe all the excitement the better you guys just googling about MJSC..*Laughing*..okay..arios amigos..Long Life MJSC...

p/s : sorry for my english...

-Maktab Sultan Ismail-

Assalamualaikum and Hello Bloggers..My first ent3 is about Maktab Sultan Ismail or also known as Sultan Ismail College...I think for sure you guys will wandering.. what is it? answer is....drum roll please....Lol...Its a of the school that very well known in Kelantan...If you are Kelantanese for sure you guys know this school very well..Located in Kota Bharu...Beside SMK Sultan Ismail and SMK Zainab..Fyi I'm one of formal student here...Been there for almost 3 yr...

The Entrance : Credit to Mr Google

What so special about this school compare to others school in Kelantan?...i'll summarize in simple ways..

  1. only boys allowed - its for the boys..ROFL..
  2. one of the top school in Kelantan....only excellence student allowed to study here..
  3. If you one of the student here...yr name will be famous among your villagers or'll be like famous artist..Lol..
  4. this school also known with their atheletiscm a lot of competition..not to forget..Hafiz Hashim (Former Malaysia Badminton Player) also from this school..
  5. one of the famous actor...Fizzo Omar..Also schooling here...Hooray....

Hafiz Hashim : Credit to Mr Google

With the end of my first entry...*Laughing"*...BTW...If you guys want to study here..make sure yr body and soul strong enough...*evil laugh*...ok...just kidding...with that Assalamuaikum and c u guys in next post...
p/s : I'm sorry my english is quite learning process...

-Suamiku Encik Perfect 10-

Assalamualaikum & Salam Pertemuan...Kali nie tajuk dia Suamiku atau org kelate oyak Tok Lakiku Encik Perfect 10..Hmm...Yang mana kaki novel tue mesti tahu ler tajuk aku kali nie..Sebab utama aku tulis tajuk nie....Adalah..Novel nie bakal dimini filemkan...maksudnyer ditayangkan dkt Tv..ala2 cerekarama kt nie dekat Astro katanyer...Sedikit review mengenai novel nie:

  • watak utama hero dan heroin perfect 10 Zaarif Danial....dan si cantik Aleeya Azmeen....dengar2 Aaron Aziz akan memegang watak Zaarif dan Lisa Suri hani..maaf Yusri...gurau eh..kita Kawan kan..Hehe
  • watak antagonis dalam novel bagi aku x antagonis mana pun...sebab dalam pertengahan novel watak ini dah berubah jadi baik...ok..*straight to the point*..Syeh Muzaffar a.k.a Far...Haaa sebijik macam dengan nama angkasawan Malaysia pertama kita *SMS*..x silap watak ini akan dipegang oleh Syazwan Zulkifly..Hmm..Memang sesuai sgt dengan dia..Haha..
  • secara ringkasnya novel inie mengenai mamat Zaarif nie yg sanggup membantu Aleeya dengan menjadi suami seminggu dek Aleeya yg mengandung anak Far...ambil kau nak cari mna lelaki mcm Zaarif nie...baik sgt..
  • Sepanjang menjadi suami sementara uh..banyak lar karenah yg berlaku di antara mereka...Yer lar kan...kahwin pun x..bercinta pun x...tetiba kena jadi suami isteri..Tp aku *salute* dengan watak Zaarif..*Steady* jer bila berhadapan dengan ibu Aleeya yang garang mengalahkn singa...Macam2 soalan ditanya ibu Aleeya kt Zaarif..Yer lar..Mak mana x kecewa bila tahu anak perempuan dia kahwin tiba2.Tp naluri seorang ibu xkn membenci anakyer..
  • Haaa...Lupa satu lagi watak yang jahat bagai nak rak..Haha...Intan Azura...Merangkap tunang Zaarif..Minah nie depan Zaarif pijak semut x mati..Belakang Zaarif macam2 dibuatnyer dgn Akram..Nasib baik ada Tok Zaharah yang dari awal x suka dkt Azura nie..
  • Haa kalau nak jadi kawan jadilar seperti Khayra...Merangkap *Best Frenz* Aleeya...Mereka nie kwn sejak dari zaman sekolah lagi..Sbb apa jadi mcm Khayra?..Sbb Khayra nie sntiasa ada dengan Aleeya tatkala Aleeya sedih dan gembira...
  • Lupa pulak..perfect 10..apa yang perfect 10 uh?..okay nie aku nak kasi tahu...Bagi aleeya nak cari suami mesti ada 10 ciri nie...Beriman..Baik..Romantik..Sensitif..Kelakar.Pandai Masak..Hormati orang tua..Pandai Memujuk..Pandai Merajuk..dan pling ckp sabar nie tunjang utama dalam perkahwinan...

Barisan Pelakon SEP10 : Credit to Mr Google

Ok lar...itu serba sedikit mengenai novel Suamiku Encik Perfect 10..yang mana kaki novel yang x bca lagi novel nie aq syorkan koe orang bca sbb dlm novel nie banyak pengajaran yang dpt diambil..Hmm cuma satu jer ler yg kurang sikit dalam novel nie..xda ikatan perkahwinan tp tidur sebilik sbb xnk rahsia terbongkar..Dalam kehidupan sbnr janganler kita ikut yer..Matlamat x menhalalkan Cara...Ok...Assalamualaikum & Sampai Jumpa

p/s: Bagi yang ckp lelaki xboleh bca novel sgt2 silap..sbb lelaki pun ada perasaan...Novel pun bukan utk wanita yer...Sbg contoh dalam novel ini calon2 suami bolehlah ambil sedikit apa yang dibuat oleh zaarif utk aleeya...